Chapter 3

In the cold of night, Freya walked up to the door of her home. Beige walls and a maroon roof. No shelter to put the sedan in. The whole wooden porch was creaking, with the paint flaking off. It was all an eyesore from the outside. Pressing her thumb down on the button of the handle, the young woman pushed the door in.

Freya stepped through, entering the familiar place. Unlike the exterior of the house, the inside was nicer, to an extent. There are some evidence that proper care is not given, like the water damage spotted in the ceiling and along the wall. Old wallpaper so faded, that no one can make out what the pattern was. Overfilled trash bin in the living room, with more littering the space. But, there was the coziness from the color choices and furniture. The home almost had a grandparents ascetic to it. Maybe it was because someone's mother inherited some of their father's belongings, or that Grandma Ester lent some of the furniture to her struggling daughter.

Through the arch, Freya could see her mother lazing about on the couch, with her eyes on the television. Never paying any attention to her own daughter, Sarah did not speak a word. Neither did Freya, as she walked passed and took the stairs up. It's a normal thing between this mother and daughter, since Freya was very young.

In the entire house, there is not one photo to be found of Freya, or even her father. Someone who she never knew in her life, because she was never told anything about him. She has wondered for a long time. Perhaps he died, left his wife and child, or maybe was taken away. Freya never knew what happened and where her dad could be, if still alive, but no one told her anything. In the past, the daughter had thought that thinking or talking about him brought painful memories, causing sorrow to fill Sarah's heart. But when older, the young woman took up psychology at school and in her personal time, but then her thoughts shifted. Not once has Sarah ever gave way that a man has ever hurt her, or that she felt hurt, because of him. So, maybe they split in bitterness.

No one else in the family would talk about Freya's dad, or even talk to Freya herself. For a while, the young woman had believed it was due to whatever her dad did, or that she resembled him in some way. A reason why the rest of the family is also neglectful of her. Giving cold glares and silence. But if Sarah and him were unhappy and left in anger, that may better explain why the family is this way towards Freya. If he had died, they would mourn, instead of this. Not pretend that he does not exist, or even mistreat his offspring.

Upstairs, down the hall, and into the small room, Freya closed the door and sighed. Back from school and given too much homework, especially after returning from winter break. Luckily, she got more than half done at school. Over to her desk, she set her bag down on the floor, while seating herself on the wooden folding chair. Getting homework out and displayed nicely on the desk, the young woman got to work.

Even with a good and sturdy messenger bag, the school's textbooks can still provide a heavy weight. One time before, Abigail had joked that perhaps the school was trying to weigh their students down, by using books they would carry around about all day. It was amusing, but also ridiculous. But there was a thought that crossed their minds, questioning it they did. Even today, they still wonder about it.

Looking back over to her history book, Freya skimmed through to find the year that James III became king. She does believe that as an older student, they shouldn't be answering questions with mere simple responses, like when was James III crowned? Which is followed by a single date, for a few words. Why not make the students write more of an answer, possibly answering more than one prompt? Instead of a simple question asking for a specific date, why not also include location? This does frustrate Freya to an extent, because this does make it seem like they are not being treated any older than a nine-year-old. A lot of their assignments have prompts that feel like this. An obvious question with a simple answer to it.

Freya was also not so happy with the textbooks. Throughout the entire year, they only use these books under half of the time, mainly for reading as a group in classes. Never much of a reason to bring them home, unless used for homework. But even so, students don't really go through the whole textbook in one year, so many of Mountvalley students contemplate, why? Why bother carrying these books at all, when they only go through six of the fifty chapters?

Flipping through the purple notebook, Freya was interrupted by the next-door neighbor's youngest son, blaring music out of his car. It's every week this happens. Fifteen-year-old Hayden stays up late, drinking and listening to way too loud music from late at night to early morning. During periods when there is no school, like during the winter or summer, Hayden throws a mini teenager party till the sun can break into the sky. With such loud and obnoxious music, booming through houses with vibrations, you would think filing a noise complaint would solve it, even multiple times, but it does not. This is not due to the police not caring, it's more of the people who pick up your calls on the non-emergency hotline not caring. Even if you call in, there will never be any officer driving by, especially when the person on the other end says they will send someone over.

Freya got out her MP3 and headphones, so she could at least block out some of Hayden's annoying song choices. He likely only listens to ones that can be the most irritating, which is no surprise, since he acts like a degenerate. Never being respectful to anyone, except his friends, who are so much like him. Selfish with a god complex. Yet, has way better and considerable parents, as well as an older brother, who has already moved out with a steady job. From a sweet and nice kid to the inappropriate ego-maniac that is Hayden.

There was even one time, when Eloisa came out twice in one night, hollering at Hayden to turn the music down, but no response. Then later, she yelled again for the music to be shut off, but nothing. The blaring music did not die to silence, till five in the morning. Even after Eloisa went straight to them, yelling again for the music to be shut off. Freya was able to hear everything that night, including Hayden and his friends mocking and laughing at Eloisa for being "bent up". It ended with one of the friends claiming to be a marine and hitting her, sending Eloisa home in tears and more furious. No police were ever over, but someone did waste multiple rounds of masking tape to wrap the house, so it became difficult to open the front door from the inside.

The neighbors are okay. Most mind their business, some are friendly, and some are trouble, like Hayden. Sarah never mingled with just anyone. They would have to tolerate her, just to hang around and have a chat. While the other teens do not really click with Freya, having different interests and hobbies. Most of the kids in this neighborhood are playing video games, out playing sports, or sitting around and gossiping.

At three in the morning, Freya finally got her homework done, and the noise pollution from next door ended. Putting her schoolwork and supplies back in her bag, the young woman later changed for bed and turned in. Finally falling asleep on the twin bed and bundled in two blankets. Perhaps this school year will end on a good note, without any drama from anyone, unlike last year.

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