Chapter 5

Despite having the weekend, Freya still took her time to go over the chapter from the textbook. She was not the type to lounge around just to play catch up last minute. Diana sometimes does that with certain assignments. But she is not here, just Freya. The young woman remained focus, pushing out the whole discussion from lunch.

Earlier in the day, the three friends sat together as usual. Abigail was the first to sit down, greeting Freya. It wasn't until Diana sat down when they started to talk about who the mysterious admirer could be. "Ooh! Maybe it was Ryan- or maybe Zach!", Diana said cheerily.

"Nah-uh", spoke Abigail, "Ryan has horrible handwriting, plus he's into guys. As for Zach, that also isn't his handwriting, and he goes to play football whenever he can."

Thinking more realistically, Abigail did more thinking as to who left that note. There were more students being seated, as time went on. Freya did not want there to be rumors and laughed at, because of some random confession note. It does not matter if someone is stalking her, some of the students will still mock Freya for it. That's how they are. A single track mind. No outside thinking. And very petty.

"So, how about Robert? Or Keith?"

Abigail responded, "No, Diana. Robert is taken and Keith is... well..."

"Handsome?", smiled Diana.

"I was going to say... too excited for women", Abigail quietly spoke, so no one else could hear.

Sitting confused, Diana did not get it. But shifting back to the note, she asked her best friend if she brought it to school. Freya looked up from her food and had said, "I wouldn't bring something like that to school, in case someone finds it and uses it as blackmail or their own form of humiliation on me. Not everyone here will care to know the truth, just whatever gossip they can twist up."

"That is true. It pretty much sums up about every student here, who involve themselves in gossip spreading", commented Abigail.

But Diana wanted to know where the note is, "So, if not here with you, then where is it?"

Simply replying, Freya said, "I threw it away once I got home."

"What? But why? Aren't you curious who this admirer is?"

Remaining content, Freya just sighed. She no longer wanted to talk about this note or secret admirer. Abigail picked it up and decided to change the subject, "So Diana, how about Nathaniel?"

Blushing and averting eye contact, Diana puffed her cheeks and stayed quiet. The dusky looking teen smiled. Seeing her act like an adorable child made Abigail smile, as well as feeling like an older sister friendly teasing the younger one.

When Freya returned home that day, she went to her room and studied over her history book. The note pushed out of mind, as it laid in her trash bin. If her mother found out about it, she would raise hell and spread it to the family, then they would spread it to their friends. To save the headache, the young woman tossed it away in her room, so her mother would not find it. But then interrupted by her phone ringing.

Picking up the call, Freya could hear her best friend's voice, "Hey! Can I come over to hang out?"

Eyes moving to the clock, the young woman saw the time. "Not now", spoke Freya, "I have to be going to work."

On the other end of the phone, Diana sounded down, "Oh... right,I forgot."

"But, we can meet up at Salted Docks to have dinner."

Diana agreed and the call ended. Up and out of the chair, Freya went to her closet and grabbed her work attire. It was mainly plain clothes she wears, along with the shop's apron. Even if not a commercial that handles with food, the business still has employees to wear a pale yellow apron, with a wood pattern as trim and straps. The colors are matching to the store's usual interior of a cozy feel with the warm wood flooring and trims, as an ivory and cream patterned wallpaper cover the panels of the walls.

Never bothering with make-up for work, the young woman took a small bag and her phone, then left the house. Walking for a while, she eventually passed by all the houses and now going by commercial buildings. Both Salted Docks and the mall are on the same side of town, so they are not a long walk to and from.

Salted Docks. A seafood restaurant not located near a port, as Luisville does not have access to even a river. The place actually originated from elsewhere, and was on an actual dock. Since then, the business expanded across the states. It's one of the popular seafood restaurants.

Appearing at Salted Docks, the young woman did not see her friend. About to call, Diana shows up. "How is it I got here before you, and I had changed clothes?", Freya asked not seriously.

"Yeah, I know. Funny that you got here before I did, and I live closer to here!", laughed off Diana.

Headed inside, the two friends were able to be seated as soon as they walked in. The whole place still has its sailor and boat theme. There are some restaurants that had a nice throwback theme, but have recently upgraded to the modern style. Luckily, Salted Docks has not done that.

Seated at a booth, the two friends talked through their dinner. Diana had the usual shrimp risotto with seasoned mashed potatoes, as the fish and chips was ordered by Freya. It was like a normal hangout between the two. A nice time between friends.

After dinner, the two girls walked for a while, till parting when going different directions. Freya headed towards the mall, as Diana walked back home. She seemed happy, which makes Freya think that her friend was just wanting to hang out again. Perhaps, Diana was just missing her dear friend over winter break. Understandable, since the two friends had not seen each other during that time.

A few minutes after, the mature teen made it to the Lodi Mall. Headed straight for the More Than Words department, she made it on time. With the bag and phone put away in a locker, she was ready for work. The other employee left, as their shift was over and Freya was taking over for the lady. But Freya was not alone, as a college student was also working on the same shift.

For a while, the day was mainly standing around. Freya and the other employee don't bother to have a conversation, as they do not get along. Both work at the register, but one takes the job more seriously than the other. A few customers came in and bought mainly cards, yet few also took little gifts. Birthdays. Baby showers. Even some cards to say congratulations.

During the shift, there was a voice heard, "And here is the sorceress of expression-able gifts..."

Freya turns to see a classmate of her's, Christian. A large and cheerful guy, who works at the mall's only video game store. He and Freya only have home economics and history together. This gamer nerd has been a friend of the young woman for a while. Also appreciates fashion, but not as an interest or hobby; Christian loves every nerd thing possible, as well as food.

As Freya now sees Christian, he continues speaking, "... the fashion master herself, Lady Freya White!"

"And here is Christian, the goofball and connoisseur of everything food and fictional", said Freya.

"Hey, that's me! So, what's up in the only card shop of the whole mall?"

Behind the counter, the young woman smiled. She and the cheery guy conversed for a while. Business has been well, same as usual for More Than Words. While the digital gaming store has been running okay. It only does well when a new game of collectable comes out. While gift and card shops do wonderfully during certain parts of the year, like Christmas and graduations. Children are always being born. Knots being tied by couples. Loved ones passing on. And everyone becomes ill or injured. These are always happening in the world.

While the large student was geeking out about some action horror game, a commotion occurred in the store. Both Freya and Christian whipped their heads to the sound. Moving over to see a mess of boxes all around the display stand. Quickly acting, Freya started picking up the boxes and putting them back in place. Christian joined in to assist. There is no need to check the merchandise, as they are not fragile.

In the toppled pile of boxes, Freya found a piece of paper folded twice. Opening the parchment, she could read the words written. The hand that wrote the words is the same to the other note. Freya started to feel uncomfortable, like something slimy was crawling under her clothing. The note mentioned her order of fish and chips, and how the writer never had it before, but would like to try it with her. Addressing how pretty she looked at Salted Docks, even noting the outfit she wore at school.

Christian saw the note and able to read it upside down. "Here", he spoke, "your break is on time, so let me buy dinner and you can tell me about this."

Agreed, Freya came with Christian to the food court, after re-stacking the display. He got himself a burger with bacon and barbecue sauce added. Since his friend and classmate already ate before work, she just got a drink. Sitting away from the other people there, so the two could have a conversation without anyone to eavesdrop. In this month and time of day, the food court is not as busy, despite being near supper time and on a Friday. Freya shares about what happened yesterday, feeling uneasy about someone actually following her around and not spotting them. Being a good listener, Christian lends a hand to comfort. Empathizing what it must be like to have a stalker and be unsure whether or not they are dangerous.

At the end of the shift, it was time to head home. Dark out, Freya walked herself home. Not wanting to be a bother to Christian, who lives on the opposite side of town. It is close to curfew, so she has to hurry back to avoid trouble. But the whole time walking on the sidewalk, the teen wondered if someone was lurking.

The fear. The paranoia. They ate away at Freya, putting thoughts into her mind. Full of what if questions and terrifying scenarios, it worsen her worries. Finally, being forced to look back to see who was there, but to find no one. She couldn't check just once. The fear was too great to allow her be at ease.

More time moved, more fear infested Freya. Eventually, she stared to stroll faster, afraid of what may happen. Suddenly, the teen found herself sprinting. She hurried herself to get home as soon as possible. The house grew in sight, causing her to storm over harder. Freya's feet pounded the ground, hurrying to the door.

Finally, her hands reached the door, Freya shoved her way in and closed the door instantly. Not wasting time, she locked the door, without checking around to see if Sarah was even in the house. Safe, a moment was taken to catch her breath, before moving away from the door.

The house was fairly quiet and barely lit. Into the living room, the television was left on, showing a commercial of a tea promising to slim a person's body. Looking over at the couch, there Sarah was, asleep with plastic bags and wrappers decorating her surroundings. Freya did not bother her mother and went upstairs.

Taking a shower in vain-full hope to scrub off this greasy, slimy feeling. To bed, Freya still had this feeling, not leaving at at peace. She worried about what this person, following her around and claiming to be in love with her, is capable of. Are they dangerous? Will they fly into a bloody rage, if the smallest thing upsets them? Can they drive? Own a car? Do they have property, where they could hide her at? Are they willing to break through any building, even the house, just to get to her?

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