Chapter 1

"With all this technology at our grasp, there are more, who will use it to follow- or shadow- a person, than those who don't. Technology has made improvements to our lives, but it also has become a dangerous tool, and in some cases, a weapon."

The social studies teacher, Mr. Lindgren, thought it was about time to lecture the class with paranoia, as many students would put it. He is a man of knowledge on what goes on in the world, even technology. Despite his young age, in comparison to the rest of the school staff, he is quite intelligent and comes off as weary, sometimes.

Most of the students were tuning out on his rambling, as Freya listened, taking notes as usual. Unlike her classmates, Freya takes the class seriously and understands why Mr. Lindgren is telling them these facts. All because two girls were texting back and forth, mocking the well dressed man in the back, calling him a stalker. Only out of coincidence that he was at the same Fruitee-Shakes as those girls, and even in the same three classes as them too. Mr. Lindgren caught them on their phones and read the messages. Never said who they were talking about, but thought the class could use some education on stalking. Its true meaning.

To this point, what the teacher is saying goes to waste on most of the class. About everyone else was either sneaking on their phones, staring into space, or scribbling on paper. But Freya paid full attention to what was being said. She may seem like the type of student with high grades all the time, and they are high, but not perfect. Not a super genius at all, that is not how Freya would be described. Unlike some of her peers, she is never selfish and surprisingly mature for her age.

Mr. Lindgren looked over at the clock to check the time. Turning his head back to his students, he dismissed the class to their next period. Students got up and took off, wanting to get out of the room, as some took their time. Freya definitely took the time to gather her belongings and headed out into the hall. It was crowded with students all rushing by, like strong currents in the water. All she had to do was make it to her locker.

Catching a moment in the crowd, Freya began making her way towards the science room. From there, the young lady crossed the hall to the other side. Following the wall a bit, there was her locker. 309. Right next to a moody senior and an ego-eccentric freshman.

The school may appear fine, but it does have major issues with students not following policies, and then the school's lack of discipline. A large group of students are bullies and god complex people, and quiet a number of them are both. It is pointless to report anything, especially bullying, due to the lack of care and action taken by the faculty. It is not to say that every member of the school's staff is that way. There are a few who do truly care and will take action themselves. Each year, Mountvalley loses more students, than it is gaining, and it is thanks to the lack of discipline to the trouble causing students.

Freya doesn't get caught in the nets of bullies, as they no longer try to toy with her. Trying to make her yell or cry for amusement never came, so they moved on to someone else. As for the egotistical ones, they occasionally throw a remark or taunt at her, but Freya does not waste her time nor breath on pointless things. Getting upset over a child's petty game is pointless to the mature teen, of course not everyone is like that.

With books and supplies put into the locker, Freya got out her packed lunch and headed for the cafeteria. Not having to take any stairs, since her locker and cafeteria are on the same floor. Just turn at the corner and head straight down the hall. It is the same directions to the main entrance of the building.

Three of the largest rooms of the school are all at the same end, near the entrance. As all other rooms are to the right of entrance, aside from the locker rooms. A gym and theater separate from one and another, yet close together with a hall splitting them apart.

Getting to the cafeteria, not many tables had students, as most are still in line for their meal served on a tray. Freya took a seat at one of the tables, which are just two benches placed next to each other to create rows. It would be better if the school chose tables with separate seats instead. But that is Mountvalley; inconvenient and more on the cheap side, but not extremely cheap.

Out of the bag, a meal was laid out in front of Freya. A bottle of fresh water, a small bag of sliced strawberries, and a stack of lettuce, honey ham, and two slices of provolone between Hawaiian burger buns. All packed herself.

Soon sat down a beaming Diana. With a big smile on her face, she greeted, "Heya Freya!"

Looking up to her best friend, Freya had greeted back, "Hey, how was your winter break?"

"Oh, it was just as usual. Spend time with family, as my aunts, uncles, cousins, and my sister and nephew come to our house. It was noisy and agonizing. Especially listening to all their problems, like my sister raising a kid on her own", rambled Diana, as she waved the fork around, before jabbing it into her food and taking a bite.

"So a full house of family", Freya said, "But I bet you got gifts, correct?"

Diana hummed and nodded, before speaking, "But, none of the gifts were actually anything I like. It's like they don't even know me!"

Since fourth grade, Diana and Freya have been best friends. With their shared interest of fashion, they became friends quickly. Spending time looking through fashion magazines and paying close attention to outfits on television and in movies.

Freya noticed something different about her best friend. "Diana", the mature teen spoke, "when did you dye your hair?"

For a moment, Diana seemed taken back and hesitated. But she swallowed and responded, "Oh, it was during winter break. Thought it would be perfect for a warm look."

Not long did another person join the two. Looking over to see their friend, Abigail. She too got the school lunch. They all greeted each other, finally being in person again.

"So Abigail, what did your family get you?", Diana asked.

Freya spoke, "Hey Abi, how was your winter break?"

Getting all situated, Abigail said, "Well, last time we were suppose to all be at a ski lodge, but my grandparents got too sick and grandpa had his condition. And his heart wasn't getting better, which meant he couldn't meet us at the lodge we all wanted to go."

Freya was listening, with her head turned, while Diana was starting to look bored. Abigail continued, "But, because there's a ski lodge up near them, we all went up to Vancouver to visit them, while staying at the lodge."

Humble, selfless, and kind. Those words describe Abigail Parker. So does morbid and mature. A close friend of Freya's, as well as Silvia. Also interested in fashion, Abigail will spend time with the girls to shop, watch fashion shows, and admire fashion magazines. Yet, Abi isn't so great at sewing or drawing, but she has an imagination, as well as amazing writing and crocheting skills.

"Oh! By the way", Abigail turned to Freya, "did you get the scarf I sent you?"

During winter break, Freya received a box, which contained another box, with spooky Christmas wrapping. Inside the present was a gradient crocheted scarf of blue and green. It was one of few gifts she had obtained last month.

"Yes, I did. Thank you of it."

"Ooh, a scarf. What does it look like?", asked Diana.

Looking at Diana, Freya answered, "It's a green and blue gradient scarf, that Abi crocheted."

Diana remained quiet for a moment, then beamed again, "Thanks great! Of course Abigail would make, instead of buying a gift."

"So Diana, what did you get for Christmas?", questioned Abigail.

Going off about what gifts her family got, Diana rambled on and on. Freya had noticed one of the gossip circles looking back at them. Never eyeing the group directly, the mature teen kept her pupils on her best friend, while seeing the group in her view. The party back there seemed more focused on Diana, giving glares.

The gossip circles are split up. There is one that is mainly female students, who are haughty and toxic. They don't allow anyone in their group, especially if the person is male or a freshman. These girls are the worst and nastiest. Make up whatever lie and carry it around, as if their slapped together lie is true. But they do not stop there. It goes further to making evidence and planting it, or some cases they "found it" and show it around. Felicity and Skylar are the heads of that group; two giant hypocrites, who oppose mean behavior, but target and bully other students.

Then there is the popular group, who has their own gossip circle. Most of the popular students at Mountvalley are god complex people. There are others who aren't, like the genuinely kind and helpful students, who would never mingle casually with these other students. Many of the selfish popular ones are part of their gossip group. It is rare for one of them to not be. Of course, this one contains the cheerleaders, football jocks, and the trendy chicks. Typically toxic; the females are a large definite. But their gossip tend to be rather petty than clever. Sometimes, even childish.

At the table behind Diana, there was a small portion of the popular kids. One jock, Dennis, and his overly dressed girlfriend kept turning their heads. Freya was concerned that Diana may have done something, because these students would not just glare at someone, unless they said or did something to cause it. No secret that Diana wants to be part of the popular students, as she has been trying since eighth grade.

Both Freya and Abigail could be popular, but that is something that is no interest to them. Both are perfectly content with being nobodies. Even if they do something great, recognition is never important to them, as the whole world does not need to know their name. But someone else taking credit for their work, that is different.

The cafeteria became more and more crowded and loud. Students socializing with each other. For most, it is the first time they have seen each other. Had a nice break for the holidays, and now their first break of the school day. Everyone was enjoying their time.

But when lunch was over, all students there had to move on to their next class, as seniors will be coming in for their lunch. Abigail parted, as she was headed to the gymnasium. Both Freya and Diana have the same class, so the two walked together.

"Hey Freya, let's meet up after school, by the track", Diana said.

"Let me guess, you want to go shopping?"

Letting out a short laugh, Diana responds, "Of course! But I also want to hang out with my best friend. We haven't seen each other all break!"

"Alright", Freya says, "We'll meet after school."

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