The Slave Maid to Queen

"Damn it!", the steward shouted furiously, "Are you telling me that another maid, of this castle, quit after a week?"

Barlow nodded silently. He knew the steward would become angry, but brought the news anyway. The man kept quiet, as the other cursed up a storm. Another maid gone, and the monarchs are to return in the following days. Their castle is not tidied enough for their return, and now another maid leaves.

"We are already running low on servants, especially the maids", the steward yelled, "Now, why did she leave? Hm? What was her excuse?"

Speaking softly, Barlow replied, "Julie said that she was being worked too hard for one person, and that she did not get to see her children as much as a mother should."

Back to fury, the steward flew about, spitting words on anger, "A mother?! She was working at the castle. That woman should have expected to be here more- but instead she worried about her own children! Low breeds, all of them!"

"Do you wish of me to post-", Barlow had spoke, till interrupted by the man's flailing rage.

After some more yelling and ranting, the steward calmed down. Staring out the window, he came to a conclusion, "We need another slave."

Those words caused a shock in Barlow, as his head whipped back up. In all honesty, he was surprised this decision was not made sooner, as the steward has bought slaves before, and for this very particular job. Yet, even after these years of knowing, Mr. Barlow still feels uncomfortable about the idea.

People being forced to carry out labor, under their master's control. Broken down to obey every demand, without protest. It was perfect for finding a worker, who won't quit after so few time spent. Exactly what, the steward believes, this castle needs. Obeying servants, who have no where to go.

"Yes. We need a few more slaves to help prepare the castle in time."

Turning to Barlow, the steward barked, "Go out to Smith's manor and bring three females. And make sure they are not an eyesore to look at."

And with that, Mr. Barlow leaves. Quickly fetching his tailored blue jacket and matching hat, he took one of the carriages and rode off to the manor. As much as he hates doing this, he does as he is told. Riding under the shifting sky, the man could see it change to the nice colors of orange, as the sun nears ending the day. "Sky's beautiful", whispered Barlow.

Ridding on the paved road, the carriage takes a turn towards the Meadow Manor. A home of the previous family that lived there, who made their fortune off of flower arrangements and tailoring. But after a war, each resident was dead. Since then, the Smith family nested at this beautiful place, running a dark market of human trafficking. Not everyone knows of this secret.

Up to the gates, the carriage stopped and waited. Barlow knows what to do, as he has done this multiple times before. Finally, a man approaches and questions, "What is your reason?"

"Charlie sent; requesting three females", responded Barlow.

"Excuse me?", said the man.

This was a trick, for those who do not know. Barlow recalls and says, "Apricot."

The man nods and opens the gates, allowing the royal carriage access. Stopping by the guest house, Barlow hops off and waits for the Smith's son. Not long did Michael show up, as he was selling to another customer. Flashing his crooked smile, the Smith said, "Ah. I promise, you won't regret this lovely purchase. And like I said, she will make a great wife."

Waving away to another customer, Michael then turned and saw Barlow. He grinned widely, "Mr. Barlow, what a nice surprise."

Barlow remained quiet, making Michael laugh, "And after the many visits you make, you still are shy around me."

Nodding slightly, as Barlow did not want to speak. "Anyway", Michael Smith says, "How many is he asking?"

"Three. Women."

"Oh, three ladies. And I bet he wants those pretty ones, yes?"

"That is correct mister"

"Well, right this way", Michael says, leading Barlow into the guest house.

Unlike the outside, the interior is messy and dark. As they walk down a corridor, a whip cracks from the behind, followed by crying. Barlow turned his head while walking, but saw no one. Not listening to Michael yapping about his day, as it is the same as usual.

The two men stopped at a door, with Michael saying, "This is it", before pushing to door open.

Stepping inside the room, six shackles are attached to the walls, but only four held slaves. Michael looked back a joked, "Do you want to pick them? Ha-haha!"

Cackling, the Smith went to the first slave and took the shackles off, before moving to the next one. Both women were thin and rather pale, with soulless eyes. But when Michael got to the third girl, she began to fight him. Lunging and trying to bite, she yelled gibberish. Not any sense was made from her.

"Oh shut up!", Michael shouted, hitting the fiery woman in the head with the lantern.

After receiving the hit, the woman quieted down, scooting herself away. Michael looked her in the eyes and said, "Yeah, that's what I thought."

Moving to the fourth victim, she was just as patient and quiet as the other two. Unchained from the wall, she did not stand up right away. Michael tiredly encouraged her to stand up, "Come on. Get yourself up."

Slowly, without breaking eye contact, the young woman rose up to her feet. Here, Barlow could see that she was not as thin and pale as the other two. Their trafficker made a comment about how she used to be heavier before. Chuckling, "Of course, like with any of these slaves, I make sure they have nothing and no one to return to. So they can dedicate themselves to servitude."

Turning to Barlow, Michael asks, "And now, the payment."

As the two men went about, the three women were taken to be cleaned off, before being given to Barlow. As the three were leaving the dusky room, the shortest one turned back to see the fiery slave being left behind. She did not know if she will ever see this woman again. Scared, the girl remained quiet, yet confused.

When brought outside, the women were put in the carriage, as Michael says his final words to Barlow, before they headed off. The carriage turned and was back on the road, returning to the castle. It was a silent ride. The two women kept their eyes down, but the third one peeked up and gazed out the window. She saw nature again. And only she wondered about what lies ahead.

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Awkward and introverted. Yet, I like to write stories, let alone reading things like fantasy, horror, and even thrillers/suspense.